Amount Of Times Love Shared

God is, to me, pretty much an idea. God is, to me, pretty much a myth created over time to deny the idea that we're all responsible for our own actions.
- Seth Green.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Helena's life story.

Action (Wo)man
Wow, you are so tough! Other women admire you for this trait. They look up to you because you can keep up with the opposite sex. They want to have your athletic body, your strength and willpower. And every woman needs this - that's true. But you are unreachable. No guy could ever capture your heart. Maybe also because your heart got too hard. But don't exaggerate. Remember: You are a woman and woman reflect god's beauty and inner (emotional) strength, but not his physical strength. Show your beauty AND your strength! Sooner or later you will be in the know that inner power and self-confidence are more important in a woman's life than muscles. :) If you think you have to prove to the males that you are as strong as they are you will not only fail, you will recognize that it's comletely senseless because this is not your destiny. Men have this little bullshit growin in their head that says they always have to be stronger than the other men. Don't descend to this level. You're more worth than that. BUT: The world needs strong women, womankind needs you! Establish your strengths in the right way.

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