Mul on pärast kolme osa vaatamist niiiii hea tuju, I gotta feeling....that tonight's gonna be a good night...oh yeah!
Päikeeee on ka väljas, gotta put my dancing shoes on and go out. Yahaaa!
Teate, ma armastan neid poisse ka ikka üüratult:
dougiemcfly Today I will be mostly moving boxes. And for those who are asking.. yes harrys nipples are out in the new video.
tommcfly Danny just asked if we'd released a self titled album...he then asked what our first album was called...brilliant. I think it's bed time!
tommcfly Quote of the day "I was thinking (pause)...oh no I wasn't thinking". Brilliant
dougiemcfly Why do guys wake up with boners?
If Harry and Danny say they came up with the album title they are lying!
Acting is another thing I can officialy say I suck at...along with sports, driving, spelling and life
Video shoot day 2. Tom is trying to sketch a naughty female part but claimes never to have seen one
Dannymcfly We were doing a dining room scene and as soon as they said action we got the laugh attacks so badly... It was amazing
Dannymcfly Say 'boobies' if your comng down to charlton today for the soccer six's??
Dannymcfly I'm not seeing many boobies??? Haha
dougiemcfly ha ha! i googled Mr Radcliff and fond pitures of his willy!!!
dougiemcfly i mean found
dougiemcfly but i am fond of pictures of his willy
dougiemcfly Mr jones has turned up looking like he got lucky

Ma usun, et nüüd ma olen kindel, et my type of a guy on see kes oskab nalja teha, vahel isegi enesele teadmata.
aga eihhh, nüüd peaks liigutama hakkama.
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