Amount Of Times Love Shared

God is, to me, pretty much an idea. God is, to me, pretty much a myth created over time to deny the idea that we're all responsible for our own actions.
- Seth Green.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

U make me wanna

Kelly...11 aasta lendab?? päris ulme tegelikult. Niiiii palju mälestusi on koos. Reaalselt kõige kauem olnud hea sõber mul, kes on siiani heahea sõber!
Nii äge! See on reaalselt nii lahe! : )

Aga ma usun, et see mees kes Kelly saab, mõtleb küll, et I'm the poor man and you're the queen!

Ohh yaa babüüz!

Pshhht, me olime ikka suht into them, armas.
U make me wanna love, u make me wanna fall. U make me wanna surrender my soul!

Baby, I'm tired of being in friends!

1 comment:

  1. hehe, i feel so special nau (:
    aga jah, igast seiklused on veel ees ka ma arvan
