Amount Of Times Love Shared

God is, to me, pretty much an idea. God is, to me, pretty much a myth created over time to deny the idea that we're all responsible for our own actions.
- Seth Green.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Aitäh Laura, Sa oled lihtsalt vapustav inimene. Minu kõige ägedam skorpion! Armastus Sinu pihta neiu.

Eile oli lihtsalt fantast päev, pole ammu niii mõnusat päeva olnud. Linnahall, meri, laev, mõnus ilm...oeh. Spontaane tripp. Lihtsalt liiga mõnus oli. True summer experience. Huh, kella kuueni hommikul trippida eriti sweeet tujuga, ahh, niii heaaaa.
Aitäh Laura, Heidi, Toomas, Kelly. Grete, Sina ära kao nii lampi ära, that not awesome.

Folgile trippime Laura...folgil....oeh.

Aga reaalselt, ma ei suuda sõnadesse panna, kui inspireeriv, äge, ilus, kui parim inimene Laura Lisete Roosaar on. You're simply the best, better than all the rest.
Ma jumaldan Sind, neiu!
Can't wait, millal filmi juba tegema saame hakkata.

Uh, jah, Folk in 2 days...shall be epic. :)

Sunday, July 17, 2011


I came to this world with nothing and I leave with nothing but love. Everything else is just borrowed.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Im quite alright hiding tonight

Tomorrow I'll be faster. I'll catch what i've been chasing after and have time to play.
But I'm quite alright hiding today.
I'm not the kind of fool
who's gonna sit and sing to you,
about stars, girl.
But last night I looked up into
the dark half of the blue,
and they'd gone backwards.

Something in your magnetism
must have pissed them off,
forcing them to get an early night.

I have been searching from
the bottom to the top,
for such a sight
as the one i caught when I saw your...

Fingers dimmed in the lights
like your used to being told that you're trouble
and I spent all night
stuck on the puzzle

Nobody I asked
knew how he came to be the one
to whom you surrendered

Any man who wasn't led away
into the other room
stood pretending

But something in your magnetism
hadn't just made him drop
whoever's hand it was that he was holding.

I have been searching
from the bottom to the top,
for such a sight
as the one I caught when I saw your...

Fingers dimmed in the lights,
like your used to being told that you're trouble,
and I spent all night,
stuck on the puzzle.

I tried to swim to the side,
but my feet got caught in the middle,
and I thought I'd seen the light,
but oh, no.
I was just stuck on the puzzle.
Stuck on the puzzle.

What happened here

Kuidagi veider on, asjad toimuvad nii ootamatult ja veidralt. Raske on, kõik on nii ebastabiilne, aga samas on ikkagi hea. Seiklus, suur suur seiklus. See on vahva.


Ma olen enda kohta paljugi teada saanud ja see on hea. Vigu peab tegema, see viib edasi.

I stop being sad and be awesome instead.

Ps...veits igatsen oma arvutit ja oma muusikat.