“Do you remember that day you fell out of my window?”
-“I sure do, you came jumping out after me.”
“Well, you fell on the concrete and nearly broke your ass and you were bleeding all over the place and I rushed you off to the hospital. Do you remember that?”
-“Yes, I do.”
“Well, there’s something I never told you about that night.”
-“What didn’t you tell me?”
“While you were sitting in the backseat smoking a cigarette you thought was going to be your last, I was falling deep, deeply in love with you and I never told you ‘til just now.”
-“Now I know.”
Monday, August 22, 2011
Thursday, August 18, 2011
If you care about what other people think, you will always be their prisoner.
"There is no fear. Absolutely no fear. When one lives without fear, one cannot be broken. When one lives with fear one is broken before one begins to live."
"life is hard, kid. you gotta be harder. you gotta take it on and fight for it and be a fucking man about how you live it. if you're too much of a pussy to do that, then maybe you should leave, 'cause you're dead already"
"They had dreams but they called them dreams because they were unrelated to reality, they were a distant unknown, an impossibility, they would never come true."
"But love is different for every person. For some it's hate, for some it's joy, for some it's fear, for some it's jealousy, for some it's torture, for some it's peace. For some it's everything."
"And even though people try to pretend that pain doesn't do anything to them, none of us can really handle it. Everything bad we do in our life is because of pain of some kind."
"And as ridiculous as it may sound, sometimes all any of us needs in life is for someone to hold our hand and walk next to us."
"There is no fear. Absolutely no fear. When one lives without fear, one cannot be broken. When one lives with fear one is broken before one begins to live."
"life is hard, kid. you gotta be harder. you gotta take it on and fight for it and be a fucking man about how you live it. if you're too much of a pussy to do that, then maybe you should leave, 'cause you're dead already"
"They had dreams but they called them dreams because they were unrelated to reality, they were a distant unknown, an impossibility, they would never come true."
"But love is different for every person. For some it's hate, for some it's joy, for some it's fear, for some it's jealousy, for some it's torture, for some it's peace. For some it's everything."
"And even though people try to pretend that pain doesn't do anything to them, none of us can really handle it. Everything bad we do in our life is because of pain of some kind."
"And as ridiculous as it may sound, sometimes all any of us needs in life is for someone to hold our hand and walk next to us."
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Maailm sult vabandust ei palu
Su lihased päästavad meid jälle,
no ütle mis me ilma Sinuta teeks.
Nii hea on mõelda, et Sa tuled,
on mõelda hea, et oled teel.
no ütle mis me ilma Sinuta teeks.
Nii hea on mõelda, et Sa tuled,
on mõelda hea, et oled teel.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Aitäh Laura, Sa oled lihtsalt vapustav inimene. Minu kõige ägedam skorpion! Armastus Sinu pihta neiu.
Eile oli lihtsalt fantast päev, pole ammu niii mõnusat päeva olnud. Linnahall, meri, laev, mõnus ilm...oeh. Spontaane tripp. Lihtsalt liiga mõnus oli. True summer experience. Huh, kella kuueni hommikul trippida eriti sweeet tujuga, ahh, niii heaaaa.
Aitäh Laura, Heidi, Toomas, Kelly. Grete, Sina ära kao nii lampi ära, that not awesome.
Folgile trippime Laura...folgil....oeh.
Aga reaalselt, ma ei suuda sõnadesse panna, kui inspireeriv, äge, ilus, hea...no kui parim inimene Laura Lisete Roosaar on. You're simply the best, better than all the rest.
Ma jumaldan Sind, neiu!
Can't wait, millal filmi juba tegema saame hakkata.
Uh, jah, Folk in 2 days...shall be epic. :)
Sunday, July 17, 2011
I came to this world with nothing and I leave with nothing but love. Everything else is just borrowed.
Friday, July 15, 2011
Im quite alright hiding tonight
Tomorrow I'll be faster. I'll catch what i've been chasing after and have time to play.
But I'm quite alright hiding today.
But I'm quite alright hiding today.
I'm not the kind of fool
who's gonna sit and sing to you,
about stars, girl.
But last night I looked up into
the dark half of the blue,
and they'd gone backwards.
Something in your magnetism
must have pissed them off,
forcing them to get an early night.
I have been searching from
the bottom to the top,
for such a sight
as the one i caught when I saw your...
Fingers dimmed in the lights
like your used to being told that you're trouble
and I spent all night
stuck on the puzzle
Nobody I asked
knew how he came to be the one
to whom you surrendered
Any man who wasn't led away
into the other room
stood pretending
But something in your magnetism
hadn't just made him drop
whoever's hand it was that he was holding.
I have been searching
from the bottom to the top,
for such a sight
as the one I caught when I saw your...
Fingers dimmed in the lights,
like your used to being told that you're trouble,
and I spent all night,
stuck on the puzzle.
I tried to swim to the side,
but my feet got caught in the middle,
and I thought I'd seen the light,
but oh, no.
I was just stuck on the puzzle.
Stuck on the puzzle.
who's gonna sit and sing to you,
about stars, girl.
But last night I looked up into
the dark half of the blue,
and they'd gone backwards.
Something in your magnetism
must have pissed them off,
forcing them to get an early night.
I have been searching from
the bottom to the top,
for such a sight
as the one i caught when I saw your...
Fingers dimmed in the lights
like your used to being told that you're trouble
and I spent all night
stuck on the puzzle
Nobody I asked
knew how he came to be the one
to whom you surrendered
Any man who wasn't led away
into the other room
stood pretending
But something in your magnetism
hadn't just made him drop
whoever's hand it was that he was holding.
I have been searching
from the bottom to the top,
for such a sight
as the one I caught when I saw your...
Fingers dimmed in the lights,
like your used to being told that you're trouble,
and I spent all night,
stuck on the puzzle.
I tried to swim to the side,
but my feet got caught in the middle,
and I thought I'd seen the light,
but oh, no.
I was just stuck on the puzzle.
Stuck on the puzzle.
What happened here

Kuidagi veider on, asjad toimuvad nii ootamatult ja veidralt. Raske on, kõik on nii ebastabiilne, aga samas on ikkagi hea. Seiklus, suur suur seiklus. See on vahva.
Ma olen enda kohta paljugi teada saanud ja see on hea. Vigu peab tegema, see viib edasi.
I stop being sad and be awesome instead.

Ps...veits igatsen oma arvutit ja oma muusikat.
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Valged ööd
Hea on,
ütleme nii, et need on need valged ööd, noh!
Ma hakkasin praegu mõtlema....okouu...maalin siin ja seal on lambised värvipritsmed, aga nad nagu olidki mõeldud sinna...aga see näeb välja selline rebel värk, et tahan olla mingi sooo originaal wat is this I don't even know because it's so deep...aga tegelikult on lambine plökerdus....einohh, aga mulle meeldib.
Värvidega on hea plätserdada, vabastav, hea!
ütleme nii, et need on need valged ööd, noh!
Ma hakkasin praegu mõtlema....okouu...maalin siin ja seal on lambised värvipritsmed, aga nad nagu olidki mõeldud sinna...aga see näeb välja selline rebel värk, et tahan olla mingi sooo originaal wat is this I don't even know because it's so deep...aga tegelikult on lambine plökerdus....einohh, aga mulle meeldib.
Värvidega on hea plätserdada, vabastav, hea!
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Selliseid lilli meil ei kasva, sellepärast ta armastabki salalikkust ja pole väga avatud isegi lähedaste inimestega. Tavaliselt pannakse fakti ette. Mugaval elul on omad plussid- ta tahab alati seda, millele tal õigus on. Kannatlik ja võimeline ootama. Kuid liiga pikka teadmatust ei armasta ja võtab kokku kogi jõu, et olukorrast väljuda.
aka Greta.
Monday, June 6, 2011
If you dwell on all the bad things in life
you miss out on all the good things.
-- Just My Luck
No matter how hard it gets,
this love will have no regrets.
-- Step Up
Impossible is nothing.
-- David Beckham
Some things are just never meant to be,
no matter how much we wish they were.
-- Gilmore Girls
Know what you're doing before you do it.
-- The Real World
you miss out on all the good things.
-- Just My Luck
No matter how hard it gets,
this love will have no regrets.
-- Step Up
Impossible is nothing.
-- David Beckham
Some things are just never meant to be,
no matter how much we wish they were.
-- Gilmore Girls
Know what you're doing before you do it.
-- The Real World
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Don't let your love go to waste
Rattad, sõbrad, meri, soojus, loodus, lilled, naer, vesi...pilved, katused....kõik boooyaaa, kõik on superfantastika!
Maagilised päevad on olnud.
Poiskade ja A'dega olid fantastilised kaks päeva, filmiõhtu, piidšššaaama pääntz, kitarr, laul, puudega ilvesed, katuusel lällamine, padjasõnda...peitusemäng, huh, ülim. Kuidagi nii vabastav oli, vaba oli olla! Aitäääh, aitääääh, aitäh teile sõbrad, teiega on hea.
Lõpuks olen suutnud end kätte võtta, kool sujub, õmblemine, joonistamine...kõik sujub. Käin isegi jooksmas..uhh, see oli super, energiat saab niiii palju sellest kõigest! Ilusas kandis elan, ilus oled Linnuteeeeeeee!!!
Ahjaa, aitäh Roman, supermõnus rattasõit Kakumäele oli!
Ainuke asi mida ma igatsen on hobused, aga küll ma need ka enda ellu tagasi kuidagi toon. : )
Maagilised päevad on olnud.
Poiskade ja A'dega olid fantastilised kaks päeva, filmiõhtu, piidšššaaama pääntz, kitarr, laul, puudega ilvesed, katuusel lällamine, padjasõnda...peitusemäng, huh, ülim. Kuidagi nii vabastav oli, vaba oli olla! Aitäääh, aitääääh, aitäh teile sõbrad, teiega on hea.
Lõpuks olen suutnud end kätte võtta, kool sujub, õmblemine, joonistamine...kõik sujub. Käin isegi jooksmas..uhh, see oli super, energiat saab niiii palju sellest kõigest! Ilusas kandis elan, ilus oled Linnuteeeeeeee!!!
Ahjaa, aitäh Roman, supermõnus rattasõit Kakumäele oli!
Ainuke asi mida ma igatsen on hobused, aga küll ma need ka enda ellu tagasi kuidagi toon. : )
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Let it shine
Wake up one morning you realize
Your life is one big compromise
Stuck in the job you swore was only temporary
Feel like the world is passing you by
Never done all the things you would need to try
Stuck in one place, got a pain in your face from all your stressin’ out
You ask yourself there’s got to be more than what I’m living for
You ask yourself there’s got to be something else, something more,
Well let the sun shine on your face
And don’t let your life go to waste
Now is the time, got to make up your mind
Let it shine on you, let it shine on you
Feel like there’s nothing nowhere to go
You try and fight but you can’t let go
Roll the pain, got so much to gain
Now is the time
Friday, May 27, 2011
Waste of time.
Ärge palun öelge, et te raiskasite kellegi peale oma aega. No-one's a waste of time...kõik ju viib kuhugi, näitab Sulle midagi..kõigel on mingi ülesanne! Kindlasti on!
Ma olen kindlasti ka ise öelnud, et it's a waste of time...võinoh muidugi võibolla kodus tühja magamine ei ole just kõige edasiviivam tegevus, aga ka see võib viia millegini.
Ühegi inimesega kohtumine ei ole waste of time, tuleb lihtsalt silmad avada ja näha, mida Sa oled juurde saanud.
Avage silmad, ilus on ju tegelikult.
Don't give up on people. (Ma püüan ise sama teha.)
Ma olen kindlasti ka ise öelnud, et it's a waste of time...võinoh muidugi võibolla kodus tühja magamine ei ole just kõige edasiviivam tegevus, aga ka see võib viia millegini.
Ühegi inimesega kohtumine ei ole waste of time, tuleb lihtsalt silmad avada ja näha, mida Sa oled juurde saanud.
Avage silmad, ilus on ju tegelikult.
Don't give up on people. (Ma püüan ise sama teha.)
Heart full of smile
- Andrew: My Mama cries a lot. She doesn't think I know. But I can hear her sometimes in her room.
- Jamie: My Dad used to cry too. When he was hurt.
- Andrew: What did you do?
- Jamie: I tried to be his friend. My Mama told me, that sometimes people have to cry out all the tears to make room for a heart full of smiles.
- Andrew: Hope my Momma is ready for a smile!
Monday, May 23, 2011
“Every atom in your body came from a star that exploded. And the atoms in your left hand probably came from a different star than your right hand. It really is the most poetic thing I know about physics; you are all stardust. You couldn’t be here if stars hadn’t exploded, because the elements - the carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, iron, all things that matter for evolution at the start of life - weren’t created at the beginning of time. They were created in the nuclear furnaces of stars, and the only way for them to get into your body is if those stars are kind enough to explode. So, forget Jesus. The stars exploded so that you could be here today.”
— Lawrence Krauss
You don't want me, you just like the attention.
Uuh huvitav, hästi huvitav on olnud. Hästi palju uut olen teada saanud ja see kõik on suunanud üha enam selle poole, et mul on sees tekkinud rahu. Rahu on hea. Meeletud tunded ja mäss on küll väga hea, aga tasakaal peab siiski olema..ma ei jaksa elada pikalt mäsleva Gretaga.
Praegu on hea.
Maalida on hea, vabastav.
Praegu on hea.
Maalida on hea, vabastav.
Friday, May 20, 2011
Thursday, May 19, 2011
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